Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Man Points and You

You may have noticed that in Andi's Gentleman's guide to Washroom Etiquette he mentioned things called "Man Points" and "Heterosexual Points". There IS a difference. You may be thinking "Why Bobby, aren't straight men manlier than gay men?". Generally this is true, but there are exceptions. Gay men who are extremely manly are still manly, no matter how gay they are. Gay is usually associated with shopping, wearing pink, saying FABULOUS, etc. But there are gay men who do not show any of these and instead are just gay. Also, Man and Heterosexual points are not limited to males. Females can (rarely) have Man Points, and usually have large amounts of Heterosexual Points.

Now that we've covered the difference between Man Points and Heterosexual Points, let's go over what they mean.

Man Points :
Your manliness. The more you have, the manlier you are. Some effects of having extremely large amounts of Man Points, including but not limited to :
1) Chick magnet.
3) Muscular.
You can have large amounts of Man Points and show none of these signs however. But as a rule of thumb, manly people show these characteristics.*

Heterosexual Points :
Your straightitude. The more you have, the less homo you are. Some effects of having extremely large amounts of Heterosexual points, including but not limited to :
1) Opposite gender magnet.
2) Can do whatever you want, even if those activities SEEM homo, because you're that secure in your orientation.
Again, these signs are not definitive, but they are a rule of thumb.**

Getting points is a lot like trying to change your weight. You are born with a certain amount of both, and it's hard to wiggle out of there, though you do have some room which you can float around in. But if you manage to break out and stay out, people will applaud and respect you.

So remember the Man Points and the Heterosexual Points, because they will be mentioned all the time in this blog. By the way, did I mention that following this blogs gives you more of both (unless you're female, in which case you only get heterosexual points) ? So click the yellow button now, and begin reaping the benefits it provides.


  1. If you don't follow this blog, I will destroy you.

  2. What, I can't get "man points" off of reading this?
    Well, I'm severely disappointed. I think I'll go sulk in a corner.

  3. Yaning, that must've been quite a sneeze for you to accidentally type /heavysarcasm/. A huge sneeze in fact! I hope you're not injured.

  4. You know, I don't think Alex has enough Heterosexual points so that he can do homo things without people questioning his sexuality xD

  5. dont worry, yaning, you dont need help with the man points.
